50 Reasons Private GPs Use EMIS Web

Seamless data sharing with NHS GP practices

Practice administration

As a private GP service, unless the patient requests otherwise, there is a onus on you to to collaborate with a patient's NHS GP. This ensures that a patient's care history is joined up, no matter whether they choose to use NHS or private services.

Integral to delivering joined up care is a single source of truth for the patient record. The structure of healthcare in the UK, dictates that a patient's NHS GP practice is the gatekeeper to the patient's main clinical record.

This means that to deliver safe and comprehensive care (especially for one-time or adhoc patient visits) you need to have:

  • Access to view the patient's NHS record
  • The ability to share your consultation history back with the NHS GP, for consolidation into the NHS record

Using EMIS Web and its integrations, it is possible to achieve both of these needs.

For record viewing, you can access a patient's record via:

  • EMIS data sharing - By setting up data sharing agreements with local practices, you can read (and with permission write) from the NHS record for shared patients
  • GP Connect - With patient consent, you can see and access a summary HTML record

To submit content back to the NHS GP's record you can:

  • Setup read-write sharing agreements with other EMIS using GP practices
  • Send back securely via email (for example, using Hero's Egress integration for secure communication)
  • Send back via MESH, directly into the NHS GP's EMIS or TPP instance, using a solution such as Docman Connect

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