Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

Why might I be prevented from accessing Patient Find, and how can I resolve the issue?

Using EMIS

Possible reasons for being blocked

You may be unable to access Patient Find if:

  • You have multiple active consultations open. EMIS Web can show a warning message if it detects potential conflicts (for example, trying to file data in more than one open record at once).
  • Your role profile doesn’t include the rights to perform patient searches outside your own organisation. For instance, users need the B0264 permission (Access CSA) to trace patients across different organisations.
  • Patient records are flagged as sensitive or restricted. Access controls can prevent you from viewing certain patients if you don’t have legitimate reasons or the correct permissions.

How to resolve access issues

  • Close multiple consultations: If you’ve switched between patients without properly ending active consultations, close them before attempting to open Patient Find again.
  • Adjust your role profile: Ask a system administrator or practice manager to confirm you have the correct EMIS Web permissions. If you often search for outside patients, request the relevant RBAC permissions.
  • Check for restricted records: If the record you need is flagged as sensitive, confirm you have a valid reason and the required approval to view it.
EMIS Web’s Patient Find lets you quickly access the right patient record. This speeds up everyday tasks and ensures individuals only see records they should have access to.
Using EMIS
Sub category
EMIS Basics

Common questions

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Can I access patients across different organisations?

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What is Hero Health?

Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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