Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

How do I perform a cross-organisation patient search (Patient Trace) in EMIS Web?

Using EMIS

Cross-organisation patient searching (Patient Trace) in EMIS Web helps you find patients registered with other practices. This feature can save time for staff, reduce duplicate records and ensure you are reviewing the correct patient.

How to perform a cross-organisation patient search

  • Open Patient Find: Press F5 or click Find Patient on the Quick Access Toolbar.
  • Enter search criteria: Add the patient’s surname, NHS number, or other details. If available, tick Include patients outside my organisation (if you have B0264 Access CSA in your role).
  • Check results: If no matching local patient is found, EMIS Web prompts you to confirm if you want to search outside your organisation. Click Yes to run Patient Trace.
  • Select the correct record: If a match is found, choose the patient and click OK to set them as the active patient in EMIS Web.
"Using Patient Trace can drastically reduce admin time, ensuring you immediately locate the right record across multiple organisations."

Note: You’ll only see the cross-organisation search option if your user role includes the necessary permissions. Always verify you have selected the correct patient to avoid privacy or data synchronisation issues.

Using EMIS
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EMIS Basics

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Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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