Data Included in the DWP Extract
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) extracts data from the eMED3 fit notes issued via EMIS Web. The extract includes statistical and anonymised data such as:
- The total number of eMED3 fit notes issued.
- How many patients are categorised as 'unfit' or 'may be fit' for work.
- Fit note duration and gender statistics.
- High-level categories of health conditions without detailed diagnosis.
- Regional information based on Integrated Care Board (ICB) areas.
- Recommendations for workplace adaptations.
- The profession of the fit note issuer.
Privacy Considerations
To respect privacy, all extracted data is anonymised, meaning patient identities are not included. Here are important points to consider:
- Patient consent must be sought regarding secondary use of their data. When patients do not actively dissent, implied consent is assumed.
- If a patient objects to their data being used, it must be coded in their record, and their data will not be included in the extract.
"Data is powerful, but privacy is paramount." This process ensures sensitive patient information remains protected, while collective data is utilised for service improvement and policy-making.
Did you know?
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