Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

What is the process for GP administrators to complete a 'By Hand' fit note?

Care record

To complete a 'By Hand' fit note as a GP administrator in EMIS Web, follow the steps below:

Accessing the Fit Note Functionality

Start by accessing the Care Record module in EMIS Web.

  • Select Consultations from the menu. If a patient is not already selected, you will be prompted to choose one from the Patient Find feature.
  • On the consultation ribbon, click By Hand and select whether the fit note states "not fit for work" or "may be fit for work."
  • You will need to select a healthcare professional on whose behalf you are completing the fit note. This can include roles like a GP, nurse, or physiotherapist.

Completing the Fit Note

Complete the form with all required information:

  • Condition: Enter the reason for the fit note, ensuring sensitive data is not included unless necessary.
  • Dates: Specify the duration the patient is not fit for work, or may be fit for work, if applicable.
  • Recommendations: For "may be fit for work" notes, offer advice on modifications or support the patient might need.

Note: Ensure that you select the correct healthcare professional before printing, as their name and profession will be populated on the printed fit note.

Using this function correctly can streamline the process and help manage fit notes more efficiently by clearly documenting the responsible healthcare professional.

Additional Information

'By Hand' fit notes cannot be emailed directly. Always select the appropriate professional role to ensure compliance and accuracy. For non-healthcare professional users, while RBAC allows record access, only authorised healthcare roles can ultimately certify fit notes.

Care record
Sub category

Common questions

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What is Hero Health?

Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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