Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

What steps are necessary to complete a high-security patient deduction in EMIS Web?


How to Complete a High-Security Patient Deduction

High-security patient deductions allow you to remove a patient from your EMIS Web organisation records without transmitting a deduction request to your trading partner. This is typically done under special circumstances (for example, when requested by a health authority).

Steps to perform a high-security deduction:

  • In EMIS Web, access Registration Workflow.
  • Locate the patient's record that you want to deduct.
  • On the ribbon, select Actions (this option lets you amend your records locally).
  • Choose the high-security deduction option if prompted, or a similar manual deduction route.
  • Enter the relevant deduction reason and date, then confirm.

This process updates the patient's status as deducted in your local EMIS Web system but does not generate a GP Links message. Make sure you archive the patient once deducted to remove them from searches and avoid future updates.

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Common questions

Frequently asked questions related to this topic

How is a high-security patient deduction in EMIS Web different from a standard deduction?

Does a high-security deduction send a transaction to my trading partner or the health authority?

Should I archive a patient’s record after a high-security deduction?

What is Hero Health?

Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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