Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

What steps are involved in recording session holder language skills in EMIS Web?


Recording language skills for your session holders in EMIS Web makes it easier to match patients to clinical staff or administrators who speak a specific language. This helps to provide more seamless care and support patients with language preferences.

Steps to record a user's language skills

  • Access the Users screen: Click the EMIS Web menu, go to Configuration, then choose Organisation Configuration and select Users.
  • Select the user: Highlight the relevant person (e.g. GP, nurse) from the list.
  • Click ‘Edit User’: On the ribbon, choose Edit User.
  • Open the Languages section: In the menu on the left of the Edit User screen, select Languages.
  • Add a new language: Click the plus icon ( + ) to add a language. Choose the required language and mark the relevant options: Read, Write, Speak, Willing to Communicate.
  • Save your changes: Click OK to confirm. Repeat as needed for additional languages. Then click OK to exit.
"By recording session holder language skills, it becomes much quicker for staff to locate and allocate a clinician with the right language ability—improving patient experience and confidence."

Exporting user languages

  • From the same Users screen, select Export User Languages on the ribbon.
  • Choose the location to save the CSV file.
  • Click Save to create a report of all users who have a recorded language in EMIS Web.
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Common questions

Frequently asked questions related to this topic

How do I filter session holders by language in EMIS Web?

Can I export a list of session holder language skills in EMIS Web?

What does "Willing to Communicate" mean when recording a user’s language skills?

What is Hero Health?

Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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