To amend repeat medication issues to repeat dispensing in EMIS Web, follow these steps:
- Access the Care Record menu, then select Medication.
- On the Medication screen, highlight the desired medication item(s) that you want to change.
- Click on RX Type in the ribbon and select Repeat Dispensing.
- On the 'Change Prescription Type' screen, enter the number of issues permitted before reauthorisation is needed.
- You can set a review date by clicking the calendar icon and selecting the appropriate date.
- If a different authorising clinician is necessary, use the search icon to select one from the Find Users screen.
- Click Authorise to finalise the changes. The altered items will now appear under the Repeat Dispensing section of the patient's current medication list.
Repeat dispensing saves administrative time by eliminating the need to reauthorise prescriptions frequently. It enables a quicker, streamlined process for clinicians and pharmacies, especially for patients with stable long-term conditions.
It's crucial to remember that altering dosages or quantities will automatically cancel any outstanding issues, necessitating new batch issuance. If early issuance is required, such as for holidays, EMIS Web will handle leftover issues and generate a new batch.
For healthcare providers, repeat dispensing reduces bureaucracy and promotes a seamless integration with both paper-based systems and the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS), offering flexibility and efficiency.
Did you know? Hero Health integrates smoothly with EMIS Web, providing enhanced features like online booking and care navigation triage, making practice management more efficient. Explore how Hero Health can support your practice with these innovative functionalities.