Registration Ribbon Overview
The Registration ribbon in EMIS Web appears at the top of the screen once you have accessed Registration from the EMIS Web menu. It provides one-click access to key options for managing patient details and statuses. Below are some of the main actions:
Key Ribbon Options
- Add Patient – Create a new patient record. You can search existing databases first, then create a new record if there’s no match.
- Edit Patient – Update patient details such as name, address, registration status or other demographic data.
- Change Patient Type – Switch the patient’s type (e.g. from temporary to regular). A separate screen guides you through any required fields.
- Request Deduction / Deduct Patient – Remove a patient from your active list. “Request Deduction” appears for regular patients, “Deduct Patient” appears for non-regular patients.
- Re-Register – Register a former patient again, preserving previous records. Useful if a patient rejoins after being deducted.
- Patient Warnings – Add or edit important warnings. You can configure these to appear at specific trigger points, helping clinicians see critical notes.
- Set Records Flag – Mark medical records as received or sent, and clear corresponding workflow tasks automatically.
- Confidentiality – Apply a confidentiality policy, which seals selected parts of a record. This can limit access to sensitive information.
- Remove Policy – Remove an active confidentiality policy. This requires the correct permissions in your role profile.
- Sharing Consent – Specify whether to share the patient’s record (e.g. for detailed care or Summary Care Records).
- Identity Verification – Upload or view ID checks for online services. Helps confirm a patient’s identity before granting digital access.
- Registration Workflow – Access Registration Workflow for more advanced tasks, including pending changes or transmissions to your trading partner.
- Usual GP Reallocation – Reassign or bulk transfer patients between GPs.
- Patient Type Configuration – Customise which patient types are available, especially helpful if your organisation deals with multiple categories (e.g. Maternity or Child Health).
Family/Relationship Links Options
- Add Relationship – Log a link between the current patient and another EMIS Web patient (e.g. parent or carer).
- Import Relationships – Quickly copy relationship details from one patient to another.
- Edit Relationship – Update or correct existing relationships.
- Delete Relationship – Remove out-of-date or erroneous relationships.
"Using the ribbon to manage patient warnings can save time by ensuring that all relevant staff see critical notes at the point of care, rather than manually relaying important information."
Each of these options streamlines the management of patient records, helping your team save time and reduce errors when updating registration details, patient types and confidentiality settings.