Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

What is an untimed session?


An untimed session is an appointment session without a set slot length. This means you can start and end appointments at a fixed time but allow each appointment’s length to vary. This approach is often used for activities like home visit lists, or open clinics where precise timings are not always necessary.

Why this can be useful

Because there are no strict slot durations, reception teams can easily slot in extra patients and adapt to changing workloads. This flexibility also helps avoid overrunning scheduled blocks, reducing pressure on practice staff and ensuring patients receive the right amount of time needed.

How to set up

  • Open the Appointment Book or Week Templates.
  • Choose to create a new session and select Untimed Appointments as the session type.
  • Indicate start and end times, then configure slot numbers or leave these unassigned.
  • Add any session category preferences (for example, to mark these slots as a list or clinic).
  • If needed, choose to display slot numbers or hide from Patient Access.
Untimed sessions can significantly reduce the administrative hassles of rigidly scheduled appointments and provide the flexibility to fit in extra patients as needed.

Did you know? If you need to notify patients about a new untimed clinic, you can use Hero Health’s batch messaging feature to quickly send customised invitations to large groups. This helps fill open appointments and manage last-minute availability efficiently.

Sub category
Availability & schedules

Common questions

Frequently asked questions related to this topic

Why might I use an untimed session in EMIS Web?

Can I hide an untimed session from Patient Access in EMIS Web?

How do I create or configure an untimed session in EMIS Web?

What is Hero Health?

Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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