Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

What is a home visit list in EMIS Web?


A home visit list in EMIS Web is an untimed appointment session used primarily for planning home visits. This list can help you schedule and manage visits that require flexibility, such as home consultations. It is particularly useful for clinicians who frequently travel to patients' homes, as it is not tied to specific time slots.

Creating a Home Visit List

To set up a home visit list, follow these steps:

  • Create a Session Category: In the Appointment Book, access the Appointment Configuration by clicking the EMIS Web menu, selecting Appointments, and clicking the config icon. Under Organisation Options, select Session Categories, click Add, name the session category as "Home Visits", select List, and click OK.
  • Create a Slot Type: From the Appointment Configuration screen, under Organisation Options, select Slot Types, click Add, and fill in the details by naming it "Home Visits", ensuring it is a Bookable Slot, and set its Status Type to Visit.
  • Create a List Session Template: Access Week Templates via the Appointments option in the menu, click New Session Template, and fill in the session details by choosing a start date and naming it "Home Visit List". Save it as a template.
  • Create a List Session: Within the Appointment Book, click Create Session on the ribbon, load the Home Visit List template, and adjust details if necessary. Then, click Create.
  • Create a List Filter: Back in Appointment Configuration, under Organisation Options, select Session Holder Filters, add a session holder and list filter named "Home Visit List", then add the home visit list to this filter.

"Utilising the home visit list can streamline the organisation of out-of-office consultations, ensuring clinicians have a clear view of their schedule while administrative tasks remain efficient."

Sub category
Availability & schedules

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What is Hero Health?

Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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