Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

What are the different EMIS Web appointment book slot statuses?


EMIS Web offers various appointment book slot statuses for tracking patient flow and managing telephone or home visit consultations. The most common options are:

  • Arrived (A): Patient is checked in at reception. Some practices automate this to improve efficiency.
  • Send in (S): Clinician is ready to see the patient. This can start a consultation if configured.
  • Quiet send in (Q): An alternative for patients who do not want their name displayed on the LED waiting screen.
  • Left (L): Patient has finished their appointment and left. Crossed-out text in the Appointment Book confirms it.
  • Walked out (W): Patient left without being seen. This can help staff follow up if needed.
  • Late (-): Highlights a patient’s late arrival. Useful for identifying potential delays.
  • DNA (D): Patient did not attend. EMIS Web can auto-flag DNAs after a set time to save manual checks.
  • Visited and seen (V): Patient was visited at home and seen.
  • Visited and not seen (N): Patient was visited but not seen, effectively a home-visit DNA.
  • Start call (S): Patient is marked as arrived for a telephone consultation.
  • Telephone consultation completed (T): Marks the end of a completed call.
  • Telephoned but no answer (H): Call was unsuccessful; patient is marked as a telephone DNA.

Using these statuses effectively keeps the team informed and reduces confusion over patient whereabouts. In many cases, you can also set up automatic status updates to streamline your workflow.

Did you know? Hero Health’s messaging tools can help reduce DNAs by letting staff send personal reminders, attach self-booking links, or prompt patients to cancel if they can’t attend.
Sub category
Appointment settings

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What is Hero Health?

Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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