Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

How to set sessions to automatically close in EMIS Web's appointment book


Automatically minimising sessions after they end

To have EMIS Web automatically close sessions once they finish, make sure you have the appropriate permissions and follow these steps:

  • Open the Appointments Configuration: In EMIS Web, select Appointments > Appointment Book from the main menu. Then, on the ribbon, click Appts Config.
  • Go to User Options: Find the General section under User Options and look for Your Session View Settings.
  • Set the automatic closing time: In Sessions appear closed after, enter how long you want a session to remain visible after its scheduled end (for example, 15 minutes). Choose Minutes or Hours from the dropdown.
  • Save changes: Click OK (or equivalent) to confirm your settings. The session will collapse automatically once this period has passed.

Tip: This feature is useful for busy surgeries, making your Appointment Book easier to navigate and reducing the chance of mixing up active sessions with older ones.

Sub category
Appointment settings

Common questions

Frequently asked questions related to this topic

Why might I want to automatically close sessions in EMIS Web?

Can I set a different time limit to close my sessions compared to colleagues?

What benefits does automatically closing sessions offer?

What is Hero Health?

Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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