Reallocation and Patient Lists
When a GP retires or leaves the practice, reallocating their patients to another GP ensures that patient lists remain accurate. In EMIS Web, you can do this in the Registration module (Usual GP Reallocation) or Workflow module (Registered GP reallocation). Make sure you enable reallocation for the correct trading partner before you begin.
Impact on Capitation Payments
Partnership reallocation helps you transfer patients quickly, but the new arrangements may not appear on the next quarter’s capitation report. Patients might still be listed under the old GP, even though they are allocated to the new GP in EMIS Web. Over the following quarters, capitation payments will adjust to reflect the updated lists.
Partnership reallocation is useful for large-scale moves, but be aware of the delayed capitation reflection.
If you only need to move certain surname ranges or a subset of patients, partial reallocation options are available. This approach can help keep patient lists balanced and more closely matched to current workloads.