Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

How do you reallocate patients to a different GP in EMIS Web?



You can transfer patients from one GP to another when a GP retires, leaves, or if patient lists need reorganising. This keeps records accurate and ensures future registrations and payments are correctly assigned.

Enable Reallocation

Before starting, make sure you enable Re-Allocation on the relevant trading partner. Go to Workflow Manager → Config → Trading Partners, select your partner, then click Edit and tick Allow Re-Allocation.

How to Bulk Reallocate Patients

  • Open Registration from the EMIS Web menu and clear any currently selected patient.
  • On the ribbon, select Usual GP Reallocation, then go to Bulk Transfers.
  • Tick Reallocate Usual GP(s) and/or Reallocate Registered GP(s).
  • Choose the relevant trading partner and the donating GP.
  • Use the Surname Ranges section to choose which patients to transfer. Specify a Recipient GP alongside each surname range. You can add rows to assign different ranges to different GPs.
  • Click OK to confirm. A single GP or multiple GPs can receive patients, depending on how you set the ranges.
“Reallocating patients in bulk helps practices reduce manual admin and maintain accurate lists.”

Partial Reallocations

For a partial reallocation (only some patients in a GP list), define the desired surname ranges for each new GP. If the donating GP is still retaining some of their patients, include them as a recipient for the remainder.

Partnership vs. Standard Reallocation

You can use Partnership Reallocation to move patient lists between partners. If you use this option, the capitation payments might not reflect the new lists until the next quarter. If you want immediate updates to payments, use the usual reallocation tools instead.

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Common questions

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How do I reallocate a single patient to a different GP in EMIS Web?

Can I partially reallocate only some patients to new GPs?

Do I need to enable reallocation for my trading partner?

What is Hero Health?

Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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