Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

How do I create an embargo on a slot in the EMIS Web appointment book?


Creating an Embargo on a Slot

Embargoed slots prevent appointments from being booked before a set time. They’re particularly useful if you want to release certain appointments—like urgent or same-day slots—closer to the appointment start time.

Steps to Configure an Embargo

  • Open Appointment Configuration: From the main ribbon, choose Appts Config (or Appointment Book and then Appts Config).
  • Create or Edit an Embargo Type: Look for the Embargo Types option. Select Add to create a new embargo or edit an existing one.
  • Define Timing: In the embargo settings, specify how long before the slot time you want it bookable (e.g. 2 hours, 1 day). You can also colour-code embargoed slots for clarity.
  • Apply Slot Type and Embargo: In Slot Types, assign the embargo to a slot type. Any new slots using that slot type will inherit the embargo rules.
“Adding an embargo ensures important slots can be reserved for same-day or urgent needs, saving time and improving appointment availability.”

Once saved, these embargoed slots will remain unbookable until the release window you set, helping you manage urgent or last-minute appointments more flexibly.

Sub category
Availability & schedules

Common questions

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Why are embargoed slots useful for my practice?

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What is Hero Health?

Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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