Creating an Embargo on a Slot
Embargoed slots prevent appointments from being booked before a set time. They’re particularly useful if you want to release certain appointments—like urgent or same-day slots—closer to the appointment start time.
Steps to Configure an Embargo
- Open Appointment Configuration: From the main ribbon, choose Appts Config (or Appointment Book and then Appts Config).
- Create or Edit an Embargo Type: Look for the Embargo Types option. Select Add to create a new embargo or edit an existing one.
- Define Timing: In the embargo settings, specify how long before the slot time you want it bookable (e.g. 2 hours, 1 day). You can also colour-code embargoed slots for clarity.
- Apply Slot Type and Embargo: In Slot Types, assign the embargo to a slot type. Any new slots using that slot type will inherit the embargo rules.
“Adding an embargo ensures important slots can be reserved for same-day or urgent needs, saving time and improving appointment availability.”
Once saved, these embargoed slots will remain unbookable until the release window you set, helping you manage urgent or last-minute appointments more flexibly.