Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

How do I change the status of appointments in EMIS Web?


Changing appointment statuses in EMIS Web makes it easier to track patient flow in your organisation and keep accurate records. You need the correct user permissions (RBAC activity B8013) to amend slot statuses.

How to change the status of an appointment

1. Open the Appointment Book
Access the Appointment Book via the EMIS Web menu.

2. Right-click the slot
Choose Change Slot Status to display available statuses.

3. Select the new status
Pick the relevant status (e.g. Arrived, Send in, Left, DNA). Press the corresponding letter key for a shortcut, such as A for Arrived or D for DNA.

Tip: If you change the status by mistake, right-click the slot again and select Cancel Slot Status to revert the previous setting.

Alternative method: Patient Appointments screen

You can also update an appointment’s status from the Patient Appointments screen. For example, to mark a patient as Arrived, right-click their appointment and select Mark as arrived.

“Using specific statuses like DNA or Arrived helps you monitor attendance patterns and reduce admin time spent chasing missed appointments.”

Did you know?

If you want to reduce DNAs further, consider using Hero Health’s batch messaging to send reminders to groups of patients, so fewer appointments go unattended and your administrative workload is reduced.

Sub category
Managing appointments

Common questions

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How do I change multiple appointment statuses at once in EMIS Web?

What if I set the wrong appointment status by accident?

Why is marking appointments as DNA useful in EMIS Web?

What is Hero Health?

Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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