Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

How do EPS-enabled dispensaries manage patient nominations?

Prescribing & medication

Managing Patient Nominations in EPS-Enabled Dispensaries

Patient nominations in EPS-enabled dispensaries are a critical aspect of ensuring prescriptions are managed correctly and efficiently. When a patient nominates a dispensary, their prescriptions are sent electronically to their chosen location, removing the need for paper prescriptions and streamlining the dispensing process.

Setting Up a Patient's Nomination

To manage patient nominations effectively, access EMIS Web and log in using your smartcard. Once logged in:
  • Access Medication via the Care Record.
  • Navigate to the Nominations section - this can be found on the Medication screen or within the patient's Registration screen.
  • From the Manage EPS Nominations screen, choose the appropriate nominated pharmacy or dispensing contractor to ensure prescriptions are sent directly to this location.
  • For any changes, access the same screen and update the nomination. This will redirect all future electronic prescriptions to the new nomination.

One-Off Nominations

Patients may occasionally need their prescriptions sent to a different pharmacy. This is achievable through the one-off nomination feature without permanently changing their regular nominated pharmacy.
  • To set a one-off nomination, navigate to the Medication screen and click on the Nominations option.
  • Select a one-off pharmacy from the search menu and confirm the selection.
The flexibility of changing nominations provides patients with greater convenience, allowing for medication collection while travelling or when their regular pharmacy is inaccessible.

Benefits of EPS Nominations

Efficient management of EPS nominations enhances service delivery for both patients and dispensers. By reducing paperwork and errors in prescription handling, it's a time-saving advantage for both healthcare providers and patients. This also contributes to reducing footfall at GP practices, allowing clinicians to focus on more pressing tasks. Did you know? Hero Health offers integrated solutions with EMIS Web to streamline processes further. Our platform allows practices to manage appointments, send reminders, and handle patient communications effectively. Visit our [Online Booking](https://www.herohealthsoftware.net/nhs-features/appointment-booking) page for more information on improving your practice's efficiency.
Prescribing & medication
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