Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

How can you request a regular patient deduction and deduct a non-regular patient in EMIS Web?


Requesting a Deduction for a Regular Patient

To remove a regular patient who has left your organisation or passed away:

  • Access Registration: From the EMIS Web menu, point to Registration, then select Registration.
  • Select the patient: Confirm you have the correct regular (active) patient.
  • Request Deduction: On the ribbon, click Request Deduction. Choose the appropriate Deduction Reason (Death, Embarkation, or Other) and add notes.
  • Confirm: Click OK to send the request to your trading partner. Once confirmed, archive the patient to prevent further data from being added and keep your patient list up to date.
This process can streamline administrative work by removing patients who no longer attend your organisation, preventing irrelevant patient searches and minimising any report discrepancies.

Deducting a Non-Regular Patient

For non-regular patients, you can remove them without sending an electronic message to your trading partner:

  • Access Registration: From the EMIS Web menu, point to Registration, then select Registration.
  • Select the patient: Make sure you have the correct non-regular patient.
  • Deduct Patient: On the ribbon, click Deduct Patient. Select your deduction reason (for example, “Dead (Practice notification)” or “Registration expired”).
  • Complete the detail: Enter the date and any notes needed, then click OK. The patient’s status changes, but no GP Links transmission is sent.
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Common questions

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Why can’t I see the option to request a deduction for a patient?

How do I reverse a deduction request sent in error?

Why is it important to remove inactive or incorrect patients from my organisation’s list?

What is Hero Health?

Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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