If your smartcard passcode is blocked, follow these steps to regain access promptly:
Unblocking a Blocked Passcode
First, contact your local smartcard administrator, who can assist you in unblocking your smartcard passcode. They have the necessary permissions and tools to reset the passcode safely and securely, ensuring your continued access to EMIS Web.
"Working with your local administrator not only keeps your account secure but also ensures minimal disruption to your daily workflow."
In case a smartcard administrator is not immediately available, reach out to your practice's IT support team. They can provide further guidance and ensure that you regain access efficiently.
Tip: It’s always a good idea to know who your local smartcard administrator is. Keep their contact information handy for quick resolution of any issues related to your smartcard.
Note: Remember to handle your passcode securely and avoid sharing your smartcard details with others to maintain the integrity and security of patient data.