The Personal Demographics Service (PDS) holds essential NHS patient details, including NHS number, address and date of birth, and links them nationally via the Spine. In EMIS Web, registration integrates directly with PDS, ensuring you can trace or confirm a patient’s record against this national database.
How it Works in EMIS Web
When you log on using your smartcard and register a new patient as a regular patient, EMIS Web searches PDS. If a match is found, details are retrieved and synchronised. Any mismatch triggers a prompt on the Registration screen or in the patient précis, allowing you to amend records locally or confirm details with the patient.
Key benefits:
- Accurate tracing and registration: Reduces errors by matching local data with national records.
- Time-saving checks: Minimises duplicate records and unnecessary manual data entry.
- Improved patient care: Ensures the correct NHS number and demographics are always used.
“Synchronising with PDS means fewer incorrect registrations and less risk of handling the wrong patient record.”
Key Tips for Successful Registration
Always use your smartcard: EMIS Web performs a PDS trace automatically, making it easier to confirm patient details. If the Spine is unavailable, register the patient as temporary and update details later once PDS is accessible.
Check differences promptly: If the PDS icon turns red, open it to review mismatches. Confirm details with the patient so you can keep records synchronised.
Verify patient identity: If you cannot confidently match a patient on PDS, cancel the procedure, verify with the patient or with your ICB/patient services agency, then retry. This helps ensure accurate linking of NHS numbers and avoids incorrect record transfers.