Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

What common errors can occur during PDS synchronisation in EMIS Web and how can they be resolved?


Common Synchronisation Errors and Solutions

Invalid or superseded NHS number
If EMIS Web alerts you to an invalid NHS number, confirm whether the patient has been allocated a new number or if there’s a duplication. You may see messages like “This patient record is marked as invalidated on PDS and cannot be synchronised.” Double-check with the National Back Office for a valid NHS number. Once confirmed, use Retrace/Re-register under Registration Workflow to correct or update the number.

Core demographic mismatch
If a patient’s date of birth, date of death or gender does not match on PDS, the record in EMIS Web can become decoupled from the Spine. Select the correct details on the PDS Patient Differences screen, or cancel if you’re unsure. You may need to retrieve further information from official documents or the patient themselves. Once you confirm the right details, click OK to synchronise.

Patient registrations in pending status
You may see errors when synchronising if the patient has only recently been registered (e.g. status is Application Form FP1 submitted). Wait for the Health Authority to process the registration, which can take up to two weeks. Once processed, try synchronising again.

Deceased patient conflicts
If PDS lists a patient as deceased but your EMIS Web record shows them as living, you’ll see a mismatch warning when accessing their record. Choose the correct version of the demographic details. If you update the record to show the patient as deceased, click Yes on the confirmation message to synchronise and mark them as deceased locally.

Resolving mismatches and decoupled records
When a record cannot be automatically synchronised, EMIS Web creates a task in Registration Workflow (e.g. “Decoupled record” or “Invalid record”). Access this via Workflow Manager > Registration. Follow the on-screen guidance to confirm or update the patient’s details. If essential data is missing or incorrect, contact your ICB or the patient to clarify. Finalise the changes in EMIS Web and click OK to complete synchronisation.

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What is Hero Health?

Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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