Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

How should deceased patients be managed in EMIS Web when there is a discrepancy with PDS records?


Managing a Deceased Patient With PDS Discrepancies

If EMIS Web detects a mismatch with the Personal Demographics Service (PDS) for a deceased patient, use the PDS Patient Differences screen to confirm and align details. Select the date of death from PDS if it is correct, and confirm that the local record should be updated accordingly. If the date of death is missing or incorrect on the national record, contact the PDS National Back Office.

Key Steps:

  • Check mismatched details: Access the PDS icon in the patient précis bar and review any discrepancies.
  • Confirm date of death: If you are certain the patient is deceased, choose the correct detail from PDS or manually update the date of death in EMIS Web.
  • Synchronise: Once correct, click OK to synchronise with PDS. This ensures the record is no longer decoupled.
  • Archive the record: After confirming final details, archive the patient’s record so they are no longer included in searches or routine tasks.
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