Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

How can you manage and resolve duplicate patients records in EMIS Web?



When two separate EMIS Web records refer to the same patient, it’s important to take decisive steps to prevent errors and improve privacy. Promptly dealing with duplicates can minimise confusion, cut down on administrative time and ensure each patient’s information is recorded accurately.

Checking and preparing

Identify both records: Confirm that both records belong to the same patient. If necessary, add a patient warning to the incorrect record to alert colleagues not to use it.

Review tasks and appointments: Before you merge clinical data, go to the incorrect record and make a note of any outstanding tasks or scheduled appointments. Recreate them in the correct record, and cancel them on the incorrect record to free up slots.

Creating a duplicate record task

  • Create the task: In the Registration section of Workflow Manager, add a new duplicate record task. This highlights the records to be merged and locks the incorrect record out of active use.
  • Transfer data: EMIS Web automatically attaches items from the incorrect record as a single document in the correct record. If there’s any ongoing or critical information, manually file it into the right sections of the patient’s Care Record.
  • Finalise the merge: When you’re sure all key information has been moved, complete the duplicate record task. The incorrect record becomes inactive, preventing further use.
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What is Hero Health?

Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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