Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

What are the requirements for implementing EPS in healthcare settings?

Prescribing & medication

Implementing the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) in your healthcare setting requires meeting specific prerequisites to ensure seamless integration and functionality for both prescribers and dispensaries. EPS is a system that allows prescriptions to be sent electronically from GP practices to a patient’s nominated pharmacy, reducing the reliance on paper prescriptions.

Requirements for Implementing EPS

To commence using the EPS, healthcare settings must ensure the following:

  • Smartcards: Essential for logging into EMIS Web, smartcards must be available for all individuals involved in medication processes, such as adding nominations or signing prescriptions.
  • Roles for Smartcards: Assign appropriate Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) roles, such as Independent Prescribing (B0420), Supplementary Prescribing (B0440), and Perform Prescription Preparation (B0278) to users according to their responsibilities. These roles are vital for applying electronic signatures or managing prescriptions.
  • Patient Synchronisation: Patients must be synchronised with the Personal Demographics Service (PDS), ensuring they have a valid 10-digit NHS number.
  • Nomination Process: Patients should be encouraged to nominate a preferred pharmacy. However, EPS can still function via prescription tokens for patients without a nomination.
  • System Configuration: Ensure your EMIS Web is correctly configured to handle EPS prescriptions, which may involve setting default options for printing prescription tokens and linking with the NHS Spine.
Switching to EPS can significantly decrease the amount of paper used in prescriptions, as well as reduce the opportunity for prescriptions to go astray, offering an audit trail and the ability to cancel prescriptions before dispensing.

Did You Know?

Hero Health’s platform, which nicely integrates with EMIS Web, enhances patient experience and administrative ease by facilitating online booking and individual messaging. These features empower patients and save time within practice settings.

Prescribing & medication
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What is Hero Health?

Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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