When disparities occur between the consent status of local records and the Spine, especially concerning Summary Care Records (SCRs), several issues may arise.
Understanding Consent Mismatches
The key aspect of managing SCRs is ensuring both the local EMIS Web records and the national Spine reflect consistent consent preferences. Mismatched consent may lead to complications during medical care, particularly in settings where rapid access to precise patient information is crucial.
Addressing Consent Mismatches
When a mismatch is detected, a warning will alert users. You can address this by accessing the Patient Consent Preference screen and recording the correct consent status. This correction will be logged on both the EMIS Web and the Spine, ensuring alignment.
Time Saver: Promptly synchronising consent preferences between EMIS Web and the Spine can help avoid delays in patient care, particularly during emergencies.
Recommended Actions
Ensure regular verification of patient consent preferences and use available EMIS Web functionalities to pre-emptively manage potential mismatches. By doing so, healthcare providers can safeguard against unnecessary interruptions in accessing important patient records.
Did you know?
The Hero Health platform streamlines managing patient records and ensures patients can independently update their consent preferences through the Care Navigation & Triage feature. By directly involving patients, it reduces administrative burdens on healthcare providers. Learn more about how Hero Health can integrate with your practice here.