Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

How do you configure a patient's Welsh language preferences in EMIS Web?


To record a patient’s Welsh preferences, first open the Registration screen by selecting EMIS Web on the menu, pointing to Registration, then choosing Registration. Pick the patient you want to update and click Edit Patient on the ribbon.

Update Welsh Languages

  • In the Language Details section, set Preferred Spoken Language to Welsh.
  • If required, set Interpreter Required to Yes.
  • Set Preferred Written Language to Welsh.
  • For bilingual correspondence in both Welsh and English, change Bilingual (Welsh/English) Correspondence to Yes.

Once you select OK, a Welsh icon (highlighting the patient’s spoken language) appears on their patient précis.

View Welsh Preferences

You can see a patient’s Welsh details either in Registration (Demographics tab) or by hovering over the Welsh icon in the patient précis. This ensures staff can clearly see the patient’s choices at a glance.

Staff Language Skills

If your practice has staff members with Welsh language skills, you can record these in Users (found under Configuration -> Organisation Configuration -> Users). These settings help you filter for Welsh-speaking staff when searching for appointments.

Capturing language preferences can significantly reduce communication barriers and encourage better patient engagement.

Did you know? If your practice wants to send Welsh messages swiftly to multiple patients, Hero Health’s messaging tools can help you communicate in the right language and reduce admin time.

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Common questions

Frequently asked questions related to this topic

Why is it important to record a patient’s Welsh language needs in EMIS Web?

How do I filter for Welsh-speaking staff in EMIS Web?

Where can I check if a patient has Welsh language preferences recorded?

What is Hero Health?

Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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