Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

How do you add and manage family or relationship links in EMIS Web?



The Family/Relationship Links section in EMIS Web helps you keep track of how patients relate to each other, for example as parents, siblings, or carers. This is particularly helpful when multiple family members attend the same practice, as you can view household or carer details in one place.

"Adding clear family and carer information can save valuable time when addressing household-wide communications such as flu vaccinations or health campaigns."

Adding a New Family/Relationship Link

From a registered patient:

  • Open Registration and select the relevant patient.
  • Click Family/Relationship Links on the tab or ribbon.
  • Choose Add Relationship, then select Add relationship link from registered patient.
  • Use Patient Find to locate the relative, then set details such as Relationship to patient, Carer status, and Next of kin preferences.

From a free text entry:

  • Under Family/Relationship Links, select Add Relationship again, then pick Add relationship link from free text entry.
  • Complete details such as the person’s name, address, and whether they are a carer or emergency contact.

Importing Existing Relationships

If someone has multiple existing links (for instance, a mother with several children), you can import those links to another patient:

  • Choose Import Relationships from the Family/Relationship Links ribbon.
  • Select a patient whose relationships you wish to copy.
  • Choose Add beside each relevant entry, then confirm the relationship details.

Key Points to Remember

  • Links are not reciprocal. If you record one patient as the sibling of another, you should also add the reverse link for accuracy.
  • Some fields may be read-only if they refer to registered patients (e.g., contact details). They must be updated in their own record.
  • You can edit or remove a family/relationship link at any time. Simply select the link and choose Edit Relationship or Delete Relationship.
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Common questions

Frequently asked questions related to this topic

How do I remove a family link if someone is no longer part of the household?

Does EMIS Web automatically add reciprocal relationships when one link is created?

What are some benefits of using family or relationship links?

What is Hero Health?

Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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