Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

How do I add a test request directly from the Care Record screen in EMIS Web?

Care record

To add a test request directly from the Care Record screen in EMIS Web, start by accessing the Care Record through the EMIS Web menu. If you do not have a patient selected, you will be prompted to do so using Patient Find.

Adding a Test Request

Once you're in the Care Record section, follow these steps:

  • Click Add in the ribbon menu at the top of the screen.
  • Select Test Request, then choose Offline Test Request from the dropdown menu.

From the Template Runner screen, you can select the category of the test you wish to request, such as Haematology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, or Immunology. Tests from the selected category will display on the right-hand pane. You can also enter a custom test request if "Other Test Requests" is enabled.

Finalising the Test Request

Choose the test(s) required and click OK. You will now see the Test Requests Details screen. Here you can:

  • Remove a mistakenly requested test by clicking the red cross next to it.
  • Edit a test or add more by clicking Edit Request.
  • Delete the request if necessary.

To indicate specific requirements, you can select the Urgent, Fasted, or Inoculation Risk options. Add any necessary clinical information in the Clinical Details field.

"Quickly adding test requests from the Care Record screen streamlines administrative tasks, allowing clinicians to focus more on patient care."

After setting up the test request details, choose either Sample Taken or Sample Later. If choosing Sample Later, select a date and assign the task to a team or user as needed. You can also print request forms by selecting Print Request Form(s). Click OK to add the test request to the patient's record.

Patient Management with Hero Health

Did you know? Hero Health integrates with EMIS Web to further enhance your practice’s efficiency. With Hero Health's Online Booking and Batch Messaging, you can easily manage appointments and communicate with patients, saving time and reducing no-shows. Learn more about Hero Health’s features on their website.

Care record
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What is Hero Health?

Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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