With the latest EMIS Web functionality (targeted for release 9.24.1), online visibility restrictions can now be transferred seamlessly through GP2GP when a patient registers at a new practice. Previously, if a patient moved, any online visibility restrictions applied by their former practice were not transferred automatically. This necessitated manual updates by the receiving practice to ensure consistent privacy settings.
The new feature simplifies this process by automating the transfer of these restrictions, ensuring that the care record's visibility controls remain intact from practice to practice. For administrators and clinicians, this can save substantial time and effort previously spent reviewing and applying these restrictions manually.
Upon receiving a transferred record with visibility restrictions, it remains essential to conduct a thorough review. Practices are advised to check and confirm the visibility settings of all care record items. Any item with online visibility restrictions will be marked by an icon, allowing for easy identification and adjustment if necessary.
Careful review of transferred records ensures continuity in patient privacy, safeguarding information from unauthorised access. This step is pivotal in maintaining the trust of patients in handling their sensitive health data.
Did you know? Hero Health provides features that integrate with EMIS Web, such as online booking and care navigation & triage. These tools enhance patient experience by streamlining appointments and providing tailored pathways to care, empowering practices to manage resources efficiently and improve patient engagement.