Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

Where can notes regarding out-of-area registrations be viewed within EMIS Web?


Viewing out-of-area registration notes

After you enter your chosen note (for example, “OUT OF AREA REG” or a relevant accepted term), you can find it at any time by opening the relevant patient’s record, selecting Registration from the EMIS Web menu, and going to the Additional tab. This ensures staff receive clear, consistent information about patients living outside your usual catchment area.

This can save time during busy periods by giving administrators and clinicians a straightforward way to confirm a patient’s out-of-area status.

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Common questions

Frequently asked questions related to this topic

How do out-of-area registration notes help staff in EMIS Web?

Can I add additional prompts for out-of-area patients?

Do I need specific wording for out-of-area registrations?

What is Hero Health?

Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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