Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

What steps should be taken when there are simultaneous updates to a patient's Care Record?

Care record

When multiple users are updating a patient's Care Record simultaneously in EMIS Web, the following steps should be observed to ensure smooth collaboration and data integrity:

Receive Notifications of Changes

If another user makes changes to a part of the Care Record that you are currently viewing or editing, EMIS Web will display a warning message. This notification will appear at the top of your screen, alerting you to the simultaneous updates.

Reload the Care Record

To see the most recent updates, click the warning message. This action will reload the patient's Care Record, integrating the changes made by other users into your view. This step is crucial to maintain consistency and ensure you are working with the latest patient information.

"Efficient collaboration is key in a healthcare setting. EMIS Web's alert system ensures clinicians are always in sync, enhancing patient care and reducing errors."

Continue Working

Once you have reloaded the Care Record, you can continue working with the updated information. Whether adding new entries or modifying existing ones, ensure all changes are saved promptly to prevent any data loss or discrepancies in the patient’s record.

Always remain vigilant of warning signs and encourage your team to communicate efficiently, adapting practices to the rapid pace of a busy practice while using EMIS Web.

Care record
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What is Hero Health?

Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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