If a medication has been authorised by a user who is no longer contracted to your practice, it is essential to update the authorisation to ensure the continuation of care and maintain the accuracy of the medical records. Follow these steps:
Identifying the Medication
Navigate to the patient's medication record. Find the particular medication in question. This can be accessed via the 'Medication' screen under the patient's care record in EMIS Web.
Reassigning Authorisation
- Select the medication that requires reauthorisation.
- Click on the option to reauthorise or update prescriber information.
- Use the search functionality to find an active clinician who will take over the authorisation duties.
Changing the authorised prescriber ensures that all medication records remain accurate and up-to-date, providing continuity in patient care and mitigating any potential prescription issues.
Finalising and Reviewing
- Once reassigned, review and confirm any warnings or alerts that may pop up based on the new authorisation.
- Ensure that the medication aligns with the current treatment plan as per the clinician's guidance.