Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

How to identify trends in missed appointments using EMIS Web reports?


Identifying trends in missed appointments in EMIS Web can be done effectively through Appointment Reporting. By focusing on Did Not Attend (DNA) data, administrators can quickly see where missed appointments are most prevalent and adjust proactive measures accordingly.

Set up a missed appointments report

Step 1: Access Appointment Reporting via the EMIS Web menu, then select a folder (or create a new one) where you want to save your report.

Step 2: Create a Slot Report and add a DNA filter. Select “Did Not Attend” under the DNA options. You can refine your data further by adding date ranges, appointment types or session holders.

Step 3: Use Report Format to group data by factors such as date, day of the week, or session holder. This helps highlight which time periods, clinicians or appointment types have the most missed appointments.

Step 4: View Results in Tabular or Graphical format. Compare different timeframes to pinpoint underlying trends — for instance, you might discover Mondays show a higher DNA rate than other weekdays.

Reviewing DNA data regularly can reduce admin burden, help you spot patterns and improve access by adjusting scheduling or communication strategies.

Tips to help reduce missed appointments

  • Set up appointment reminders: Use EMIS Web’s messaging or third-party integrations to remind patients of upcoming visits.
  • Run consistent reports: Track weekly or monthly missed appointments, so you can maintain a clear overview of trends.

Did you know? Hero Health’s Appointment reminds can help reduce no-shows by automating patient reminders. This empowers patients to confirm, cancel or reschedule, saving your team time chasing DNAs — visit Hero Health online booking for details.

Sub category
Appointments reporting

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What is Hero Health?

Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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