Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

How to calculate session utilization rates in EMIS Web?



Calculating session utilisation rates helps you see how effectively appointments are being used. A utilisation rate is typically calculated by checking the number of booked slots against the total slots in each session, then converting it to a percentage.

Steps to calculate utilisation

  • Identify your total slots: Open the Appointment Book and view the session details or Session Properties. Note the total number of slots for that session.
  • Check booked slots: Look at how many slots are confirmed with patient bookings.
  • Apply the formula: (Number of booked slots ÷ Overall session slots) × 100 = Session utilisation %.

Why this matters

Session utilisation rates let you spot potential inefficiencies: if large numbers of slots are unbooked, you can adjust your schedule or reallocate resources to other times.

“Knowing exactly how many slots are filled across sessions can save valuable administration time by highlighting trends and boosting efficiency.”

If you want to replicate these calculations for several future weeks at once, consider using the Planner or Week Templates to schedule your routine sessions. Then, track how many slots are filled versus those left vacant each week.

Sub category
Appointments reporting

Common questions

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How do I see a detailed breakdown of appointments for a session in EMIS Web?

How do I use my utilisation rate data to improve appointment availability?

How long does it take to calculate a session’s utilisation rate?

What is Hero Health?

Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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