Session utilisation rates let you see how many of your appointment slots get filled. They can help you gauge demand and adjust schedules more effectively. A simple calculation is:
(Number of booked slots ÷ Total slots) × 100
This works best when you have sessions clearly defined, so ensure you have set up appointment sessions or week templates in EMIS Web. You can then review the number of booked appointments in each session versus your total capacity.
Steps to gather data in EMIS Web
- Create or identify session templates: Set up distinct session templates for each clinician or clinic. Make sure each template reflects the correct slot count.
- Open the Planner or Appointment Book: Identify the sessions you want to evaluate, noting how many slots have been booked versus how many are available.
- Gather final figures: Count booked slots, factor in any DNAs (did not attends) if you’re including them in your calculation, and then total all slots in the session.
Apply the formula to get the utilisation percentage for that session. You can repeat across multiple sessions to build a bigger picture of practice-wide usage.
Measuring session utilisation can highlight underused times of day that could be optimised or repurposed for urgent appointments.
Did you know?
Reducing DNAs boosts session utilisation. Consider sending targeted reminders or follow-ups in bulk, saving staff time and helping patients attend.