When managing medications in EMIS Web that are not compliant with dm+d (Dictionary of Medicines and Devices) codes, it is essential for clinicians to be aware of the processes involved. This ensures accurate prescribing and continuity of patient care.
Handling Non-Compliant Medications
If a medication does not have a dm+d code, EMIS Web will flag this during the prescribing process. Users will seek to manually enter the correct dm+d code if available or choose from existing options to maintain a comprehensive medication record.
Ensuring medicines comply with dm+d codes helps streamline interactions with pharmacies and improves accuracy in electronic prescribing, ultimately saving time for clinicians and patient administrators alike.
Manual Overrides and Compliance
In situations where an override is necessary, practitioners can manually proceed while the system documents these actions. This documentation helps maintain an audit trail within the patient's medication history and ensures transparency and accountability.
Configuration and Integration
Keeping the medication database up to date with dm+d-compliant entries minimises disruption and supports seamless integration with national and regional health services, ensuring patients receive the correct medications promptly.