Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

How do you view and interpret trends in patient data using the Graphical and Tabular Trend options in EMIS Web's Care History?

Care record

Viewing and Interpreting Trends in Patient Data

Accessing the Care History Screen To view and interpret trends in patient data in EMIS Web, first navigate to the Care History screen. Access this by clicking the EMIS Web menu, select **Care Record**, and then choose **Care History**. Ensure a patient is selected; you will be prompted if not. **Choosing Viewing Options** The Care History screen provides multiple viewing options. Use the ribbon at the top of the screen to select Trend - this will allow you to switch between **Tabular Trend** and **Graphical Trend**. These options are vital for displaying patient data trends over time. * For a detailed table display, select **Tabular Trend**. This format presents data in a concise table, aiding in detailed analysis. * For a visual representation, choose **Graphical Trend**. This format uses graphs to depict trends and variations, making patterns more apparent. Interpreting Trends When viewing data graphically: - Use point labels to display specific data points. Right-click on the graph and select **Point Labels**. - The symbols represent values interpretations, providing context for the displayed data. In Tabular format: - View all historical data entries in a list format, providing a straightforward view of numerical values and their changes. **Enhancing Data Analysis** You can stack up to four different values in one graph to view multiple factors simultaneously. Modify and filter the displayed values using the options on the right-hand pane by expanding the Select Panes.
"Using the graphical trend view allows practitioners to instantly grasp changes in a patient's condition over time, supporting rapid and informed clinical decisions."
Utilising Date Ranges Adjust your trend by selecting a specific date range in the **Date Range** field. This allows focus on shorter or extended periods, aiding context and understanding of the patient's progress or regression. To print the trend data, utilise the print options available, which include printing the graphical view along with patient details and date-time stamps. **Did you know?** Using platforms like Hero Health, integrated with EMIS Web, enhances patient interaction by offering functionalities such as online booking and individual messaging, streamlining practice operations.
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How do I access the Graphical and Tabular Trend options in Care History on EMIS Web?

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What is Hero Health?

Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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