To set yourself as a consulter in EMIS Web, start by ensuring you have the necessary permissions to modify user roles. This is typically something a practice administrator or manager can assist with, but you may also have permission if your role includes system configuration abilities.
Steps to Become a Consulter
- Access the Users section within EMIS Web by navigating to Configuration, then Organisation Configuration, and selecting Users in the navigation pane.
- Select your user profile from the list of users.
- Click on Edit User in the ribbon menu at the top.
- In the Edit User screen, find the Role section in the left-hand pane.
- Ensure the Consulter field is set to Yes. This designates your profile as a consulter, allowing your actions in the system to be correctly attributed to you.
- Click OK to save changes.
By setting yourself as a consulter, you ensure that your actions within patient records are correctly attributed, which is crucial for maintaining accurate records and supporting efficient practice workflows.