Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

How can I issue controlled drugs via instalment prescribing in EMIS Web?

Prescribing & medication

To issue controlled drugs via instalment prescribing in EMIS Web, follow these steps:

Accessing the Medication Module

Open EMIS Web, navigate to the Care Record and select Medication. Ensure you have the correct patient selected through Patient Find, as prescriptions are patient-specific.

Selecting and Issuing Medication

  • On the Medication screen, click Add Drug to include the controlled drug you wish to prescribe via instalments.
  • Select the appropriate drug from the list, considering concurrent medications and any safety warnings provided by EMIS Web.
  • Populate dosage, quantity, and prescription details as necessary. For controlled drugs, red text indicates its status.

Instalment Prescribing Options

  • During the Issue process, access the Instalment Options to specify the interval and rate of instalments. Set parameters that align with clinical guidelines.
  • You may encounter high-severity warnings if any potential interactions with other medications are identified. Ensure these are addressed before proceeding.

Managing controlled drugs via instalments helps regulate medication flow, supporting responsible use and improving patient safety by avoiding over-dispensing.


Finalise the prescription by addressing any additional prescriber verifications required and confirm the instalment plan. The system will document the prescription details for future reference and regulatory compliance.

Ensure all processes comply with NHS and local guidelines regarding controlled substances.

Did you know?

Hero Health’s platform can augment your practice by facilitating online bookings, batch messaging, and individual messaging of appointment details, empowering both you and your patients. Learn more about our online booking options.

Prescribing & medication
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What is Hero Health?

Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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