Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

Can I use a digital smartcard to log on to EMIS Web, and how do I set it up?

Using EMIS

You can use a digital smartcard to log on to EMIS Web in much the same way as a physical one. A digital card stores security and role information so you can authenticate your identity and access the system without typing your EMIS Web username and password every time.

Setting up your digital smartcard

1. Activate your digital smartcard, then download and install the relevant credential app on a Bluetooth-enabled mobile device.
2. Pair your device to the computer you use for EMIS Web. If you move between different computers, you can pair with each one (only one connection can be active at a time).
3. The first time you log on with a digital smartcard, place or authenticate your card, enter your smartcard PIN and read any on-screen prompts. You might be asked to synchronise (associate) your EMIS Web user account. Simply follow the prompts to complete this step.

Single sign-on benefits

Once your card and EMIS Web account are synchronised, you can use single sign-on. This saves time for administrators and clinicians, and helps secure patient data by reducing reliance on separate passwords.

By adopting digital smartcards, some practices have shortened end-of-day tasks and minimised user credential issues – an easy boost to efficiency and privacy.

Sharing and troubleshooting

Using your digital smartcard across multiple trusted organisations is possible, provided each has approved roles assigned to your card. If you have issues such as repeated PIN entry failures or you’ve locked your card, contact your Registration Authority (RA) or practice manager to reset or re-issue your credentials.

Using EMIS
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Getting started

Common questions

Frequently asked questions related to this topic

How do I log on with my digital smartcard after it’s set up?

What if single sign-on isn’t working?

How do I keep my smartcard and passcodes secure?

What is Hero Health?

Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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