Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

Why do FP22 reminders sometimes remain for patients incorrectly marked as deceased, and how can I resolve this?


Occasionally in EMIS Web, you may encounter situations where FP22 reminders persist even when a patient has been incorrectly marked as deceased and this status has been amended. FP22 reminders are generated when a patient is deducted from the system as a reminder to send their medical records back to the health authority. This can occur if a patient is marked deceased in error and, despite restoring their status, the reminder remains active.

Steps to Resolve FP22 Reminders for Incorrectly Deceased Patients

To remove an unwanted FP22 reminder in EMIS Web, you can follow these steps:

  • Access the Registration Workflow in EMIS Web by clicking on the EMIS Web menu, pointing to Workflow, and selecting Workflow Manager followed by Registration in the navigation pane.
  • Select Actions from the ribbon, then choose Manage Medical Record Flagged Patients. Locate the patient in question, verify their details, and select Remove followed by Apply. This will remove the FP22 reminder but may make the patient inactive.
  • To reactivate the patient, go to Actions, select Manual Status Modification, find the patient, and confirm by clicking Yes. Delete the last two entries, specifically records sent or received by FHSA, using the Delete Status option. This restores the patient's status to active.

This process helps ensure that incorrect reminders are efficiently resolved, saving valuable time for administrators and maintaining accurate patient records.

Additional Considerations

Ensure you have the necessary permissions, specifically B1680 (Manage Demographics) and B0065 (Undecease Patient), in your RBAC role profile to perform these actions.

Did you know? Hero Health’s functionality can enhance practice efficiency by enabling patients to manage certain tasks independently. For instance, with features like Online Booking and Care Navigation & Triage, patients can have more control over their healthcare while reducing administrative workload. Learn more.

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Patient registration

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Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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