For reverting an incorrect deduction or removing a deceased status in EMIS Web, specific RBAC roles are needed to access and manage patient registration efficiently.
**Key RBAC Roles Needed**
- **B1680 Manage Demographics**: This activity allows users to access and manage demographic data.
- **B0837 Decease Patient**: Required to initially record a deceased status.
- **B0065 Undecease Patient**: Necessary to remove the deceased status from a patient if it was applied in error.
**Process for Removing an Incorrect Deceased Status**
1. **Access Registration Workflow**: Navigate to the EMIS Web menu, select Workflow, then Workflow Manager, and proceed to Registration.
2. **Use Manual Status Modification**:
- Click on Actions in the ribbon and select Manual Status Modification.
- Choose the relevant patient to amend the incorrect status.
- Select the status you wish to remove, then click '**Delete Status**', and confirm the deletion.
3. **Finalise the Record**: Depending on whether the patient is marked 'Active' or 'Inactive':
- **Active**: Request another deduction and note the correction, such as "Correcting Date of Death."
- **Inactive**: Add an active status manually and proceed with the correction note request.
> Quick modifications to incorrect patient status not only ensure accurate record management but also streamline processes for practices, saving time and reducing administrative overhead.
**Did you know?**
Using platforms like Hero Health can enhance patient interaction efficiency through timely appointment reminders and self-service options for patients to manage their bookings online. Explore [Hero Health Online Booking]( for more convenient patient interactions.
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