In EMIS Web, reverting a death notification when a patient has been incorrectly marked as deceased requires careful steps to ensure patient records are updated accurately. Follow the instructions below:
Accessing Registration Workflow
Begin by accessing the Registration Workflow. Click the EMIS Web menu, point to Workflow and select Workflow Manager. In the navigation pane, click Registration. This grants access to manage patient registration tasks, where you can manage specific patient notification tasks.
Completing a Reverted Deceased Notification
From within the Registration section, follow these steps:
- Click Reverted Deceased Notifications to view relevant tasks.
- In the right-hand pane, find and click the needed task.
- On the ribbon, click Complete Task. A warning message will be shown regarding task completion.
- If necessary, tick the option to reactivate future diaries by selecting Reactivate future diaries.
- Click Yes to confirm action.
Upon completing these steps, the patient's status is updated to Active and any associated patient warnings are removed.
Reverting a death notification can not only prevent potentially distressing errors in patient status but also ensures that other medical activities like referrals and appointments continue without hindrance.
Manual Status Modification
If you require a more direct approach, use Manual Status Modification to amend patient status:
- Select Manual Status Modification from the Actions menu.
- Find and select the specific patient. Confirm your action by clicking Yes.
- Under status, click Delete Status, then confirm to remove the deceased status.
Note: RS-Web permissions such as B1680 Manage Demographics and B0065 Undecease Patient are necessary to complete these tasks. Ensure you have the appropriate role-based access control permissions in your role profile.
By following these steps, the correct information is relayed and mistakes are addressed, making the process efficient for practice administrators and maintaining an accurate system, thus safeguarding patient privacy and healthcare administration workflows.