Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

What do the different Referral Management task categories mean and how should I use them?


Understanding Referral Management Task Categories

EMIS Web’s Referral Management within Workflow Manager provides a structured approach to handling referral tasks. This system categorises tasks, making it easier for general practitioners, clinicians, and practice administrators to manage various aspects of the referral process.
  • Pending UBRN: Tasks under this category involve generating or re-requesting UBRNs (Unique Booking Reference Numbers) necessary for eRS referrals.
  • Pending CAB Service Selection: Tasks where a service still needs to be selected, indicating either the deferment of service selection or an incomplete process.
  • Pending Letter: These tasks involve letters awaiting creation or approval for both standard and eRS referrals.
  • Awaiting Authorisation: These tasks involve letters that have been drafted but require final authorisation before being filed into the patient's records.
  • Awaiting Acknowledgement: These tasks reflect referrals sent to the eRS or a responsible entity but still await confirmation of receipt.
  • Transmission Errors: This includes tasks that experienced issues during the communication with eRS, requiring error resolution to ensure correct transaction completion.

How to Use Referral Management Effectively

Refer to these categories regularly to ensure all tasks reach completion in a timely manner, avoiding delays that could affect patient care. Regular updates and checks in the Referral Management section help maintain an organised workflow and enhance accuracy.
Automating referral tasks through clear categorisation allows administrators to handle referrals efficiently, saving time and reducing administrative burden.

Did You Know?

Hero Health offers integration with EMIS Web, enhancing your workflows by allowing features such as independent patient appointment rescheduling through SMS or email reminders. This empowers patients and reduces administrative workload. Visit our [Hero Health NHS Services](https://www.herohealthsoftware.net/nhs-features/appointment-booking) page for more information.
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What is Hero Health?

Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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