Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

What content is included in a Brief Summary versus a Full Summary in EMIS Web's Care Record?

Care record

Brief Summary: The Brief Summary in EMIS Web provides a quick look at key patient information. This includes:

  • Recent consultations: Only the last three.
  • Medications: All current medications the patient is prescribed.
  • Active Problems: Displays all active problems, organised by their onset date.
  • Past Problems: Only significant past medical issues are included.
  • Investigations: Shows the latest entry of each investigation code.
  • Allergies: Lists all instances of each allergy code.
  • Health Status: The most recent entries for blood pressure, weight, height, BMI, alcohol consumption, and smoking status.
  • Immunisations and diary reminders also make part of this summary.

Full Summary: The Full Summary is much more comprehensive, encompassing:

  • Consultations: Includes all past consultations logged in the patient's record.
  • Medications: Like the brief summary, it details all current medications.
  • Active and Past Problems: Comprehensive inclusion of all active and past medical issues, both minor and significant.
  • Investigations: All historical entries of investigation codes are included.
  • Health History: Complete patient history regarding health metrics and lifestyle details.
  • Immunisations: Covers the complete immunisation history.
  • Diary alerts: All QOF diary alerts and scheduled reviews.

Utilising these summaries effectively can improve decision-making by providing succinct patient information at a glance, saving valuable time in assessing patient needs.

"The Brief Summary is ideal for rapid reviews of recent health activities, while the Full Summary offers an expansive overview of a patient’s medical history."

Incorporating summaries into routine practice can streamline patient interactions and facilitate coherent communications between healthcare professionals.

Care record
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What is the content difference between a Brief Summary and a Full Summary in EMIS Web?

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What is Hero Health?

Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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