Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

What are the implications of leaving a patient record as Active versus Inactive after removing an incorrect deceased status in EMIS Web?


When managing patient records in EMIS Web, you might encounter situations where a deceased status was applied erroneously and needs to be removed. Once you've corrected this error, you have the option to leave the patient record as either Active or Inactive.

Active vs Inactive Status

Leaving the patient record as Active means that ongoing care details continue to be promptly accessible. This status is particularly advantageous for patients who require continuous treatment or regular follow-ups, ensuring seamless access to their medical data.

If you decide to set the record to Inactive, it indicates that the record is not in active use. This might be suitable for patients not currently receiving ongoing treatment, allowing the system to manage resources effectively. However, potentially important details might not be as easily accessible.

A proactive approach to maintaining active status ensures critical medical information is always at your fingertips, enhancing patient care.

Steps to Manage Patient Status

To modify a patient status, access the Registration Workflow in EMIS Web:

  • Go to EMIS Web MenuWorkflowWorkflow Manager.
  • Select Registration in the navigation pane.
  • Click Actions, then Manual Status Modification.
  • Choose the patient, then proceed to either set the status to Active or Inactive.

Ensure you have the necessary RBAC activities such as B1680 Manage Demographic Duplicate Records in your role profile to make these changes.

Sub category
Patient registration

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What is Hero Health?

Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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