Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

What are the implications of changing a patient’s NHS number locally without generating a GP Links transmission?


Amending a patient’s NHS number manually in EMIS Web is necessary in specific situations where alteration of local records is required without triggering a GP Links transmission. This approach is useful when you need to correct information locally based on guidance from a Health Board or Health Authority that prefers not to receive automated amendments.

Steps to Amend a Patient’s NHS Number Locally

To initiate this amendment, you must have the appropriate user permissions, specifically RBAC activity B1680. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Open the EMIS Web menu, navigate to Workflow, and select Workflow Manager.
  • From the navigation pane, click on Registration.
  • On the ribbon, select Actions and choose Amend Patient Identifier.
  • Select the patient whose NHS number you wish to amend, and click OK. This will bring up the Amend NHS Number screen displaying the current NHS number.
  • Enter the new NHS number in the designated field and click OK.
  • The updated NHS number will now be reflected in the patient’s record locally within EMIS Web.

This manual amendment ensures that updates happen instantly within your local practice, making it a quick solution when timely accuracy is necessary without external notifications.

Be aware that these updates are not shared externally through GP Links, the NHS Spine, or any other official channels. It’s essential to verify that all parties are on the same page to prevent discrepancies between local and external records.

Sub category
Patient registration

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Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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