Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

How do you identify .xxx attachments that aren’t transferred through GP2GP and ensure they reach the patient’s new practice?


Attachments with a .xxx file type are not transferred electronically through the GP2GP system. It is important to manually identify these attachments to ensure they reach the patient's new practice. To do this, follow the steps below:

Check for Unsent .xxx Attachments

After transferring a patient record via GP2GP, navigate to the Workflow Manager. Select the GP2GP inbox, then under the Records Sent section, click on Integration Successful to view completed transfers.

Select the patient in question and click View Attachments on the top ribbon. A pop-up will display all attachments associated with the patient. Identify any unsent .xxx attachments which will be marked as Unsent.

Printing .xxx Attachments

It is crucial to print these .xxx files via the Docman application as these files are stored using links rather than being embedded in EMIS Web. Attempting to print them directly from EMIS Web will result in a print error.

The manual identification and printing process ensures .xxx attachments are not overlooked, saving time and guaranteeing accurate patient records transfer.

Printing During Summary Creation

If you attempt to print a patient’s care record summary and there are unsent attachments, you will be prompted to print them. Click Print Unsent Attachments Only to action this. Once printed, these should be securely sent to the receiving practice along with any other necessary documentation.

By ensuring that all necessary documents, including unsent .xxx files, are properly handled, continuity of care is maintained at the patient’s new practice.

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What is Hero Health?

Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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