Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

How do I remove an FP22 reminder task in EMIS Web when it isn’t needed?


To remove an unneeded FP22 reminder task in EMIS Web, you can follow these steps:

Access Registration Workflow

Begin by opening EMIS Web. From the main menu, go to Workflow, then Workflow Manager. Within the Workflow Manager, select Registration from the navigation pane. Make sure your user role has the necessary permissions, specifically the RBAC activity B1680 to manage demographic duplicate records.

Remove the FP22 Reminder

  • On the Registration Workflow screen, select Actions which can be found on the ribbon at the top.
  • Next, click Manage Medical Record Flagged Patients.
  • Locate the patient whose FP22 task you wish to remove. You can streamline this by sorting by NHS number (click the NHS number column to sort).
  • Once confirmed, click Remove and then Apply.

Reactivate the Patient Record

Removing an FP22 task may render the patient's status inactive. If so, navigate back to Actions and select Manual Status Modification.

  • Select the patient in question, confirm by clicking Yes.
  • In the displayed entries, identify and delete the last two entries which reflect records sent and received by the FHSA.
  • This process should restore the patient to active status.
Managing your FP22 tasks effectively ensures that your practice’s workflows remain smooth and efficient, while unnecessary administrative tasks are minimised.

Tip: Searching for patients by NHS number can be a quick way to find specific entries. Simply click the NHS number column header to sort, aiding in faster identification and management of records.

Sub category
Patient registration

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Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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